For friends

We’re proud of our classes and the thousands we’ve trained in swimming. We welcome all ages, from children to adults.

Booking friends-to-one tailored lessons gives you plus two a personal instruktor, up to three (3) students. From the expressed needs, you and the trainer will plan the exercises based on your goal.  As an example, lessons can be designed for feeling comfortable and safe in water or learn to swim, sharpen swimming skill, endurance training, or learn a new swimming style.

Friends-to-one lessons are available both for children and adults. Note that you put together the friends-to-one group, this is not a group class.

How many lessons are needed to reach the goals differs from person to person. Five lessons gives at least as much as 10 group lessons with 10 children.

Wednesday at Askim simhall is adult only after 18:00. This means One-to-one after 18:00 is for adults only at Askim simhall.